How to Cope with Panic Attacks Zine

A mini zine with a few tips what I do when I have panic attacks to calm down

Zine cover with white background. The text says "self-care & self-soothing" in pink and blue.
Home 5 Zine 5 How To Cope With Panic Attacks Zine

(105 x 148 mm)


8 pages
(incl. cover & back)


One page zine
(printable on DIN A4)



A printed sheet with a hand-written self-care checklist titled "Everything is awful and I'm not okay," containing questions and suggestions for personal well-being. It's designed to be read and interacted with, offering prompts for basic self-care actions such as hydration, eating, resting, and moving, as well as emotional checks and comforts like listening to a favorite song or changing into comfortable clothes.

How to Cope with Panic Attacks: Practical Tips

“How to Cope with Panic Attacks” is a zine created to offer practical tips for those experiencing panic attacks. Developed during a period of personal need, this zine provides simple strategies that I have found helpful, though it’s important to note that I am not a medical provider or doctor. The contents are not intended as professional health advice but as personal practices that may also benefit others seeking ways to manage their anxiety. This zine is a resource for anyone looking for immediate, accessible methods to feel calmer and more in control during panic episodes.

Disclaimer: The tips provided here are based on personal experience and are not intended as medical advice. For professional guidance, please consult a healthcare provider.

Zine Folding Instructions

Click here to download your free PDF guide on how to fold an 8-page mini zine from a single sheet of DIN A4 paper!

The image shows a set of visual instructions for folding a mini zine, laid out on a wooden surface. Surrounding the paper with the instructions are a pair of scissors, two pens, a mechanical pencil, a small potted cactus, and a cup of coffee with foam on top, suggesting a creative, DIY workspace. The instructions themselves include diagrams and text for each step, and the overall theme suggests a craft or hobbyist environment.

Flip through the zine

Need some immediate tips for managing panic attacks? Browse ‘How to Cope with Panic Attacks’ in our interactive PDF flipbook format, and discover practical strategies to help regain calm and control during anxious moments.

Sources, Credits & what I’ve used to create this zine

Shoutout to everyone whose work sparked a thought or two here. Most doodles and musings are by yours truly, with a dash of inspiration from stuff I’ve read or seen along the way.

What I've used to create this zine
  • copy paper
  • fineliner
  • washi tape