’nuff said Zine
One of my earliest zines without much of a theme but with lots of quick illustrations

(105 x 148 mm)
8 pages
(incl. cover & back)
One page zine
(printable on DIN A4)

Nuff Said: A Zine of Spontaneity and Quotes
Zine Folding Instructions
Click here to download your free PDF guide on how to fold an 8-page mini zine from a single sheet of DIN A4 paper!

Flip through the zine
Explore the early artistic expressions of ‘Nuff Said.’ Click below to view this zine in an interactive PDF flipbook, featuring a blend of watercolor illustrations and thought-provoking quotes.
Sources, Credits & what I’ve used to create this zine
Shoutout to everyone whose work sparked a thought or two here. Most doodles and musings are by yours truly, with a dash of inspiration from stuff I’ve read or seen along the way.
What I've used to create this zine
- copy paper
- watercolor
- fineliner